Today, many employees are stuck in a toxic workplace. These bad vibes can cause people to dislike their jobs, kill productivity, and hamper the growth of your organization. Having a toxic workplace or bad office culture can turn a profit-generating business into a money pit. So, what is a toxic environment and how do we stop it? To understand, we first need to know how a toxic workplace is created so that you can effectively change it and make your organization a great place to work.
If you are starting to see a decline in communication or you find it difficult to communicate with your team effectively, you may have a problem. One of the most well-known signs of toxicity in the work environment is the lack of effective communication. This can have a tremendously negative impact on the production of your business. Communication and teamwork are vital to any business that wants to be successful. Without communication, you will see a rapid decline in individual and team functions. Workers who are subject to a toxic work environment will often say they don’t feel heard or understood by their peers or leaders.
Work Habits
Toxicity in the workplace can take a great employee from thriving to barely surviving. An employee will thrive when they feel valued and appreciated. When they feel underpaid and underappreciated, it puts them into a fight-or-flight mode of survival. Our natural instincts kick in, and our defensive walls go up. You will see an increase in absences, poor attitude, and lack of individual production because they are working to get to the end of the day rather than t to achieve a shared goal.
Team Work
Broken relationships and friendships can wreak havoc in the work environment. Gossiping becomes the norm, cliques are formed, and people feel pitted against one another. Most workers relate these types of experiences to that of being in high school. It is important to work together and have trust in your peers. Team building exercises can help strengthen the bonds of trust between team members and build rapport around the office. These exercises don’t have to be elaborate or have huge prizes. They are fun and provide a productive break from your ordinary schedule.
Work/Life Balance
As an employee, it is imperative to have a good balance of work and home life. Without it, you will feel the negative effects it can have on your daily performance and your overall health. These negative effects can go both ways. If you are thriving at work and happy at home life can be so rewarding. If the scale is tipped slightly one way or another, it can be very challenging to get back into harmony. These types of imbalances are likely to have a negative effect not only on you but on your coworkers as well. Both employee and manager are responsible for creating a workable work/life balance within your company.
The Spread
Many people know that toxicity can be like a spore of dandelion fluff in the wind: once it is blown apart, it spreads quickly. As a leader, it is important to snuff out any turmoil or issues before they threaten morale within the office. It’s critical to the success of your business that you remain vigilant to any changes in your team’s attitude.
All in all, toxicity in the workplace can occur within any organization. However, with the right environment and the right management, your organization can thrive within a strong, happy office. The bottom line is that if management can quickly identify and stop it in its tracks, you will have an organization full of happy employees willing to work hard for you day in and day out. Best of luck!